Tuesday, August 17, 2021

PRP Treatment


The lockdown opened most of us up to trying new things, we failed at some and won at others. But when it comes to our skin and hair, winning is the only way we want to go. However, this isn’t the case most of the times. We try skincare and hair care products to improve our skin and hair quality, but sometimes rather than doing us good, they make the situation even worse. When it comes to taking prescribed medicines, we rarely wish to go that way. So what should we really do?

Luxurious hair, glowing skin, NO side effects. Sounds like a dream, huh? Well, it isn’t if you know about PRP treatments. PRP has become one of the most famous cosmetic treatments soon after the time it stepped into the medical world. From big celebrities to dermats themselves, it has been a fan favorite since the past couple of years. Is it because of the no side effects part or there is something more to this? Let’s take a look one of the best prp treatment in delhi!


PRP for Face

PRP treatment which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma treatment is a non-surgical procedure. When it comes to our face, it is designed for people with fine superficial lines, open pores, lost facial volume and a reduced skin texture. The treatment also goes by the name of PRP facial. Platelet and plasma are the two major components of our blood. Our body’s healing process involves new cell growth which is a cause of the hormones contained in platelets. 

The treatment seeks to rejuvenate the skin by providing a natural glow and shine through the use of your own blood platelets/cells to stimulate new collagen production. The increased collagen production in turn tightens open pores, reduces fine lines and gives you a healthy and flawless looking skin.

Since the treatment uses your own blood to improve your skin condition, it is really safe and effective. There are no side effects and hence, you shouldn’t worry whether or not it’s the right thing for your skin!

How is a PRP facial done?

Seems like a complex and a quite scary process. Doesn’t it? Well let’s see how it actually works.

  • The first and the foremost step is applying a skin numbing cream to the areas which are going to be injected.
  • Depending upon the area to be treated, a certain volume of blood is taken out. This volume usually ranges between 10 to 30 ml.
  • The blood is then centrifuged for 15-20 minutes.
  • The centrifugal procedure involves separating the platelet rich plasma from the haemoglobin.
  • After separation, the plasma is injected into the skin of the treatment area.
  • This procedure normally takes around 1-1.5 hours.
  • For visibly good results, 3-4 sessions are required at intervals of 4-6 weeks.

When should I get PRP Facial?

One of the major advantages of the treatment is that it doesn’t have any side effects since its your own blood. Apart from that, it is not limited to anyone. Hence, anybody who is wishing to get any of these results can give it a try.

·         Reduced pore size

·         Even skin tone

·         Reduced fine lines and wrinkles

·         Treatment of sun damage

·         Reduced hyper pigmentation

·         Improved acne scars


After the procedure, the patient can have mild swelling or redness for a few hours. There is no pain and hence the patient can get back to his/her routine activities soon after the treatment ends. Also, the treatment is not surgical, your skin will look naturally flawless and it won’t seem like you have anything artificial done to it.


PRP for Hair

The term “Platelet-rich plasma” suggests that platelets are more concentrated in PRP than in regular blood. But do you know why? Higher concentration of platelets is useful as platelets secrete growth factors which are thought to assist in wound healing and tissue regrowth.

What about PRP for hair? When it comes to hair loss, the blood is drawn from the scalp and then put into a centrifuge which separates it into different layers. Only the platelet-rich plasma is taken and injected into the scalp for it to reach the bottom of the hair follicle. It stimulates specialized cells named dermal papilla cells, which play a vital role in hair growth.

Are there any risks associated with PRP treatment for hair?

Since PRP therapy involves injecting your own blood into your scalp, the risk factors are low. However, unlike PRP facial, PRP for hair may involve certain risks like-

-          Injury caused to blood vessels or nerves

-          Calcification at the injection points

-          Scar tissue

-          Negative reaction to the anaesthetic used in the therapy

Before jumping into getting a hair loss treatment using PRP done, make sure you consult your doctor regarding all the possible risks associated depending upon your health condition. In our clinic Prp treatment cost in delhi is very reasonable compare to other clinics.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Full Body Laser Hair Removal for Men & Women at Vardaan Clinic

 We love luxurious hair on our head, but for most of us hair on our body? Not so much! Majority of people dread going to salons and getting hot wax on their body. Shaving your legs when you are in a rush is no picnic either. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could get back all the lost time spent in removing our body hair? Well, we know for a fact that this can’t happen, but we can surely save any of the future time that would have been spent plucking, waxing or shaving. How? A Laser Hair Removal Treatment!! It is one of the most convenient and hassle free ways to treat all your body hair worries. Especially if you are someone, who can’t stand body hair at all and shaves way too often, this is just the thing for you.

What is Laser Hair Removal and how is it done?

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure done due to its efficiency and effectiveness. The process involves the use of concentrated beam of light or laser to remove unwanted body hair. The laser is used to destroy or damage the hair follicle, by zoning in on the pigment of the hair being removed. It usually takes more than one session for good results.

Why should I get laser hair removal done?

-          Gives lasting results

The major problem with waxing, shaving or plucking is that the hair comes back after some time depending upon the method one uses to remove them. Don’t we all dread having to pass onto wearing that beautiful dress just because our hair decided to come back the night before we decided to go out? With laser hair removal, one doesn’t have to worry about that. The effects of hair removal using laser are long-lasting. Hair can take weeks or months to grow back, and with every subsequent session, the hair takes much longer to reappear. And even when it does grow back, the hair is so much thinner and sparser than before. Eventually, you’ll find that you’re practically hairless. That’s one of the most beneficial parts of using laser technology to get rid of the hair on your body.

-          Say NO to scars or painful side effects

Its not just our time that goes into waxing, shaving or threading our hair. Let’s be honest, these treatments possess a certain degree of risk associated with scarring. When it comes to waxing, there is always a hope of not getting burnt by hot wax, threading can cause scarring and is really painful too, and lets not forget about shaving. It may be a hassle free technique, but one slip of hand and there you are, cut by the hands of that sharp razor blade.

But what about laser hair removal? The name may sound complicated and tricky since there is a laser involved, but the actuality of the situation is completely in contrast. Despite its complicated name, the process is quite simple, effective and painless, and the risks are quite low. 

-          Prevents ingrown hair

The sight of ingrown hair after you have spent a considerable amount of your time shaving or waxing your hair is quite nerve-wrecking. Ingrown hair is one of the most dreaded nightmares when it comes to removing hair from the body. However, with laser hair removal you wouldn’t have to worry about it. The reason behind this is that a laser destroys the hair from its roots, so that the hair doesn’t crawl or grow back into the body and become ingrown. How amazing, huh?

-          3..2..1..It’s done

Laser hair removal is one of the most precise and quick methods for getting rid of unwanted hair. Its precise as the laser can target even certain hair without damaging the skin around it. Why quick? Well, it might take you a few sessions to see effective results with laser, but most sessions take only a few minutes depending upon the area one is targeting. Small areas like the upper lip can be treated in even less than a minute, and large areas, like arms or legs, will take more time than that. At Vardaan Clinic, you can go and take advise for full body laser hair removal in Delhi  

Are there any risks associated with the procedure?

The procedure is really effective. However, there are a few mild risks associated with it which includes-

-          One might experience some level of skin irritation including redness and itchiness after the procedure is done. However, these issues are quite mild and temporary.

-          There may be temporary change in colour of the treated skin in case the laser alters the pigment around the skin. But, this too is temporary and the normal skin color gets restored in a small amount of time.

How to take care of your skin after laser hair removal?

Once you have had your hair removal treatment done, there are a few things you would have to take care of-

-          Sunscreen is your best friend.

During the initial stages after your laser therapy, stepping out in the sun may cause discomfort and irritation on the treated area. In order to prevent this, if you can, avoid getting out in the sun for the first few days as prescribed by your doctor. Even if you have to, try covering the treated area with a cloth, you can even wear a hat if you have gotten the hair of your face treated. Moreover, do not forget to use a sunscreen with Spf 30 or above every time you step out in the sun.

-          Avoid topical beauty or skincare products

In the initial stages when your skin is trying to heal after the laser treatment, avoid using any topical beauty or skincare products as they may contain components that might react negatively with the laser and cause irritation and discomfort. You should consult your doctor before using any moisturiser or body lotion after your treatment. It’s important to use mild products initially as your skin is really sensitive after the procedure.

-          Ditch the hot showers

Laser treatment uses heat to damage the hair follicle. So, exposing the treated area to more heat may cause more harm than good. You should try to avoid hot saunas, steam rooms and hot showers for at least 48 hours after your laser hair removal session. Stick to cold showers to help heal the area as quickly as possible.

-          Use ice packs

If your skin feels irritated or there is some redness after the treatment, you can use ice packs to calm the redness or irritation. Soothing agents like aloe vera gel can also help. However, it is important to consult your doctor before using any gels.

There you have it! A one stop guide for all your laser hair removal queries. At Vardaan Clinic, you will get Best and affordable laser hair removal cost in delhi.

For Original Post Visit: https://www.vardaanclinic.com/blog/full-body-laser-hair-removal-for-men-and-women-at-vardaan-clinic

Friday, July 2, 2021

Melasma: Diagnosis and treatment - Dr. Jyoti Sharma

One of the common skin problems is known as Melasma. It is a condition that results in dark, discolored patches on one’s skin.


It is also known as Chloasma (Mask of pregnancy) when it is occurred in women known to be pregnant. It is more common in women compared to men.

What are the symptoms?

In a condition like Melasma, patches of discoloration start to appear on your skin. Darker in the sense that such patches are darker than your natural skin color. Such a condition can affect any area of your skin, most commonly face. Usually it can also affect those parts of your skin which are often exposed to the heat of sun.

Melasma can be noticed on:

1.       Cheeks

2.      Forehead

3.      Chin

4.      Nose bridge

5.      Forearms

6.      Neck


Such a discoloration of skin does not lead to any real illness or disease but can be a cause for self-consciousness for many people.

How do dermatologists diagnose melasma?

Best Dermatologist in Delhi Dr. Jyoti Sharma can diagnose most patients by looking at their skin. To see how deeply the melasma penetrates the skin, your dermatologist may look at your skin under a device called a Wood’s light.

Sometimes melasma can look like another skin condition. To rule out another skin condition, your dermatologist may need to remove a small bit of skin. This procedure is called a skin biopsy. A dermatologist can safely and quickly perform a skin biopsy during an office visit.

Is it treatable?

Some women don’t need to undergo any treatment because melasma disappears on its own after some time. Such a situation usually occurs when melasma is caused due to pregnancy or intake of birth control pills.

As for other people, there are certain dermalogical treatments which can help in fading melasma over time. While for some, OTC creams can work, others can opt for treatments like chemicals peels, dermabrasion, etc. Consult Best Skin Specialist in Delhi to know more about the best treatment to treat this condition.


For Original Post Visit: https://www.vardaanclinic.com/blog/Melasma-Diagnosis-and-treatment-Dr-Jyoti-Sharma

Monday, June 14, 2021

Dermaroller Treatment by best dermatologist in Delhi


We all love our skin young and bright. We take all the measures to prevent it from any unwanted scarring, acne, tanning and other skin problems. However, sometimes home remedies fail at giving us the results we desire. There can be a number of reasons which lead to such skin problems which are incurable at home with traditional methods. This is when one of the dermatological treatments called Dermarolling comes into picture.


What is Dermaroller?

A Dermaroller is a device made of titanium which consists of fine embedded needles in a rotating wheel. It works by rolling over our skin in order to create a number of micro contact points. This leadsto the creation of a process for healing wounds in the skin and make way for a clearer and more radiant skin. A derma roller works by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin by giving rise to the growth of new capillaries which improve the supply of blood to the skin.


How does it work?

When your dermatologist starts the treatment by rolling a  dermaroller over the skin, then the previously mentioned small andmicro needles present on the roller puncture the skin.

The holes created by the roller needles through puncturing in the skin are very small and superficial. This is one of the reasons that this treatment is considered as non-invasive to our skin.

When the skin is punctured, it creates askin injury in a controlled manner without causing any actual damage to the outer layer of the skin.The needles help to break down any scar tissue.

The said controlled injuries made in the skin lead to a minimal bleeding. This process helps in triggering thewound healing response of the body resulting in the following:

  1. Your skin starts releasing products that stimulate growth
  2. new blood vessels are formed in the skin
  3. Thus, more collagen is made in your skin

Over the following week after the treatment, the collagen which is produced by the body’s healing process is deposited in the area of treated skin. This helps the skin to become firmer and may reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles.

What all does it cure?

Dermarolling also known as micro-needling helps in curing a number of skin problems such as:

1.       Acne scars

2.      Black spots

3.      Large pores

4.      Fine lines and wrinkles

5.      Wounds

6.      Ageing

7.      Uneven Skin tone


Is it safe?

Dermarolling is considered a non-invasive procedure which has no downtime after treatment. You can return to your normal routine after treatment by following some simple tips to take care of your skin as suggested by your doctor. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women or people who routinely use other dermatological medications on their skin. Once the procedure is complete, you might experience very minor redness or swelling over the treated area of your skin just for a few days. Before booking a treatment, consult doctor Jyoti Sharma at Vardaan Clinic to get proper guidance as to the suitability of this treatment on your skin.


How to use a dermaroller at home?

Dermarolling is a procedure which can easily be performed by you at home without any medical help. You just need to following simple precautions to ensure effectiveness and safety.

1.       Sterilize your dermaroller

2.      Cleanse your skin to prepare it for the procedure

  1. hold the skin taught roll over each section, once up and down, once side to side, and once diagonally
  2. bathe the skin with saline after the skin has reddened
  3. spray the dermaroller with alcohol solution and wash with warm water to sterilize
  4. leave the dermaroller to dry

When using the dermaroller on the face, a person should treat five sections of the face in turn. These sections are:

  • top right of forehead and cheek
  • top left of forehead and cheek
  • right under eye and lower cheek
  • left under eye and lower cheek
  • around the mouth

After using the dermaroller, a person can apply serums or moisturizers to their skin. The treatment is often used as a delivery system to maximize the effects of these lotions. You can also consult to Dr. Jyoti Sharma for any kind of skin problems. She is best dermatologist in Delhi with over a decade of experience or you can also visit at Vardaan Clinic that is best skin clinic in Delhi for All Skin and Hair Problems

For Original Post Visit: https://www.vardaanclinic.com/blog/dermaroller-treatment-by-best-dermatologist-in-delhi

Monday, May 10, 2021

Chemical peel good for skin - Dr. Jyoti Sharma [AIIMS] Dermatologist Vardaan Clinic Pitampura Delhi

Everyone likes to feel young not just from the activeness of the body but by skin as well. Wrinkles, scars, fine lines, discoloured skin, etc are some of the major skin issues that can damage the look of your face and make you look older than you are.

There are many dermalogical treatments that can help you get rid of this problem and sustain that ever young-looking skin.  One such solution is Chemical Peeling.


What is Chemical Peeling?

Chemical Peel refers to a surgical procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin which helps in removing the top layers of that particular area of the skin. The result of this procedure is that the skin that grows back is much smoother and less-problematic.


You can choose the gravity of the procedure i.e. whether you want a light, medium or a deep peel and based upon such gravity it would depend how many sittings you need to undergo in order to finally start seeing the results that you desire. Deeper peels help you get the desired results faster but they can also take longer to recover.


It is a procedure that can help get rid of issues like scars, discolouration of skin, melasma, and wrinkles on your face. Therefore, chemical peel helps in removing damaged skin cells.


Types of chemical peels

There are three types of chemical peels-

1.       Light /Superficial Peels- In this kind of peel, very mild acids are used to gently exfoliate the skin. It works best on the outermost layer of the skin

2.      Medium Peels- It uses acids like glycolic acid and works by reaching the middle and the outer layer of the skin. It is considered more effective in removing damaged skin cells.

3.      Deep Peels- This type of peel fully penetrates the middle layer of the skin and effectively removes all the damaged skin cells. It can require anaesthesia.


Different types of peels can cost differently. Dr. Jyoti Sharma ensures to suggest you the best cometic procedure depending upon your skin type. Usually, light peels and medium peels cost much lesser than the deep peels. Therefore, it is always advisable to contact your doctor and make an informed decision.


Possible side effects of chemical peeling

Every cosmetical and surgical treatment has certain side effects which can vary from person to person. It is not necessary that a person may experience these effects, however, it is always advisable to be informed of any such possibilities before undergoing the treatment.

Possible side effects of chemical peel are:

1.       Scarring of the skin

2.      Lightening or Darkening of the skin. This side effect is more common in people with darker skin.

3.      Heart or Kidney Damage. Deep peels consist of phenol which can damage the heart, liver or kidney muscles and cause irregular heartbeats.

4.      Infections


How safe is it?

If the procedure is performed by an experienced specialist, then it can be extremely safe. Dr. Jyoti Sharma, at Vardaan Clinic, is one such experienced professional who will take care of all the needs of the patient required in performing the procedure before actually starting it. It is also required to strictly follow all the pre-procedure and post-procedure precautions to limit the side effects.


In Conclusion,

Always opt for a skilled professional to undergo such medical procedures. It is important to know your skin by consulting a doctor and then take an informed decision. Chemical Peels can be really effective if done right.


For Original Post Visit: https://www.vardaanclinic.com/blog/chemical-peel-good-for-skin-dr-jyoti-sharma-aiims-dermatologist-vardaan-clinic-pitampura-delhi

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Choose the best acne skin treatment solution for glowing and healthy skin

Skin is the most evidently seen organ of the body which contributes a lot to the esthetics these days. Therefore, a lot of importance is given to skin treatment whenever any issues arise. One such common skin problem which is seen in adolescents and adults is acne. A brief description of it along with the best treatment associated with it is discussed briefly in the article.


What is acne?

Acne is a common condition that is seen when the skin follicles get blocked by dirt, oil, and dead cells of the skin. This can be of varying intensity and the type of treatment sought is based on it itself. It is generally chronic in nature and can be seen in different areas of the body, including the face, shoulders, back etcetera. The red inflamed spots can be seen at any age group but it is most common among adolescents.


Treatment solution for acne.

The most important thing to remember here is that there is no sanguine treatment modality. What might work for your friend might not be the best solution for you. Therefore, it is important to consult a good dermatologist in a reputed place for good results. Always go to the best skin specialist in Delhi if you are a resident and be sure to get quality treatment.


Types of treatment for acne

There are basically two types of major treatments associated with acne for healthy and glowing skin. They are as follows-


     Over-the-counter treatment

When the severity of acne is low, it is not compulsory to consult a dermatologist for treatment. You can go for some common over-the-counter drugs like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Using these products fastens the exfoliation process of the skin and also opens up the pores effectively. It can cause slight redness and sensitivity to some people.


     Prescription treatment

If the acne gets serious, consult a dermatologist immediately. Topical creams, Accutane, and antibiotic pastes are some examples of prescription drugs that are effective against acne.


There is absolutely nothing to worry about if you get acne. Seek proper treatment from credible medical facilities and get rid of the problems forever.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Various aspects of facial skin treatment in best skin clinic in Delhi

Facial skin is one of the most visible parts of the human body. Any blemishes, blackheads, inflammatory spots, or scars are easily visible on it. It is important from the esthetic point of view as well. Therefore, if someone suffers from some ailments in the facial skin, they generally resort to some form of treatment from best skin clinic in Delhi. This article deals with the different types of facial skin treatment in detail.


What are the most common types of facial skin treatment?

Three treatments in modalities are considered to be efficient in facial skin treatment. They are-

     Laser treatment




Laser treatment-

It can be considered to be a type of cosmetic treatment itself. It involves the exposure of the outer skin layer called the epidermis to the laser. The heat generated from it removes this layer and exposes the layer present underneath known as the dermis. This results in the formation of new, soft, and supple skin on top. The purpose of this type of treatment is to remove wrinkles from the aging skin, remove burn marks, scars and acne as well. Since the process is done under local anesthesia as well as sedation, it is not a painful process as well. It is similar to the peeling of the skin and is sometimes referred to as laser peel.


Topical creams-

If you do not advocate the method of using a laser or some form of chemicals for facial skin problems as you are apprehensive of the side effects associated with it, topical creams are the ideal treatment modalities for you. It does take more time to show results but the process is natural. Skin creams work on the basic principle of giving the skin enough nourishment so that it heals from the blemishes. Thus, if you are looking to eliminate the problem completely, this is probably a better option.



It is basically a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the outer layer of the skin using an abrasive brush or sandpaper and freezing it using Freon. It is generally recommended for severe skin and acne problems.


These are the three main treatment modalities for facial skin treatment. You can choose one according to the severity of the problem from best skin clinic in Delhi.


Friday, April 23, 2021

Cosmetic Dermatology and what does it involve?

If you look at the meaning of Dermatology in general, it means the study of skin and its appendages. Since the skin is an integral part of the human body, dermatology is a very important part of medical science that deals with the ailments related to it. Having a basic idea about the different branches can give a good perspective about whom to refer to in case any problem is noted.



What are the different branches of Dermatology?

The four main branches of Dermatology that have a significant role to play in this field are Medical Dermatology, Surgical Dermatology, Cosmetic Dermatology, and Dermatopathology. All of them have their distinctive roles. For example, Medical Dermatology mainly deals with the problems noted in the hair, skin, and nails. Dermatopathology, as the name suggests, uses various tools related to pathology to make a diagnosis. Surgical Dermatology involves surgical interventions which give a solution to problems that are more precise and long-lasting. The final one is Cosmetic Dermatology which has been described in more detail subsequently.


What is Cosmetic Dermatology?

It is a branch of Dermatology that is necessarily not used only when there is a pathology. It also deals with aging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines on the skin. The main aim of this branch is to enhance the aesthetic context of the skin which can define the way you look. It augments the beauty of a person's manifolds without curing them of any skin diseases as such. It is more prevalent in metropolitan cities. If you want cosmetic treatment, it is always recommended to refer to the best dermatologist in Delhi.


What are some of the treatments of Cosmetic Dermatology?

The different treatments that can be done using Cosmetic Dermatology are-

     Presence of scars due to acne- the scars due to wounds and acne can be difficult to deal with. Cosmetic Dermatology is the best way to take care of this problem.

     Aging signs- formation of wrinkles and lines on the face is seen with age. They can be negotiated effectively using Cosmetic dermatology.

     Tattoo removal- if you regret a tattoo that you got in the past, Cosmetic Dermatology can take care of it too.


This was a brief description of Cosmetic Dermatology in general. The information should help you get a brief idea about the branch.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Why Visit A Skin Clinic?

 Dermatologists diagnose and treat various skin conditions and take care of hair, nails. They also improve a person’s skin's appearance. The best skin clinic in Delhi also performs certain kinds of cosmetic and medical surgeries. This article highlights some reasons why patients should visit a leading skincare clinic.


Dermatologists help treat pimples and acne. Immediate treatment reducesthe chances of visible scars and prevents acne from coming back. The best skin clinic in Delhi typically prescribes oral medications, skin creams, gels, etc. 


Warts are quite common, although they are not harmful. Dermatologists remove warts with cold treatment, medicine, or surgery if necessary.


Specialist dermatologists perform surgeries for different purposes like cosmetic improvements, hair removal, hair transplant, skin rejuvenation, etc. Medical procedures like Cancer removal is also performed under the supervision of a trained skin specialist. 

Skin Cancer Screening

The identification of skin cancer is quite tricky. Usually, dermatologists conduct a full-body skin examination to observe changes that can indicate skin cancer. 


Eczema may result in patches of dry, scaly, bumpy, cracking, or red skin. The best skin clinic in Delhi takes a close look at the skin and perform a series of tests to diagnose eczema. Treatment includes cold showers and lifestyle changes. Patients are typically required to take over the counter or prescription-strength ointments as necessary.

Skin Damage

Visiting the best skin clinic in Delhi can help reduce or eliminate skin damage. Expert dermatologists suggest lifestyle changes that help in lowering a person's exposure to harmful elements.

Scar Treatment

Dermatologists provide skin treatments that improve different scars. Sometimes the patients look for plastic surgeons to treat severeimperfections like burns, accident marks, wrinkles, and blemishes.

Skin can have scars due to wrinkles, surgery, sunspot, or acne. It gives the skin a noticeable uneven appearance. People often use cosmetic products to conceal these spots, scars, and blemishes. However, visiting the best skin clinic in Delhi can help treat such skin conditions from the root. One should never avoid consulting with a dermatologist when mild symptoms of skin inflammation appear. Skin specialists examine patients, prescribe them suitable medication, and recommend acceptable hygiene practices to prevent skin infections.