Monday, September 23, 2019

How effective is laser treatment for acne scar?

Acne is a common problem which young people face the most and may also appear in adults. Acne appears irrespective of the gender and becomes an issue to worry about. Now, as technology and medical science have developed greatly, one can easily get rid of their acne. There are various measures that are applicable to the successful removal of acne. But the problem is not solved by the mere removal of the acne, and the main issue starts as the acne disappears leaving behind a scar. The acne scar is really difficult to deal with, just like any other scar in the skin.

What are the various ways to combat acne scar?

As stated earlier, with the improvement in the field of medical science removing the acne scar is possible in several ways. Some of the ways are listed below.
  • Creams from various reputed brand help in successfully treating acne scar.
  • Dermabrasion is a technique where a high-speed brush is used to resurface the skin and reduce the depth of the scar.
  • Chemical peels are an effective way to treat acne scars.
  • Acne scar laser treatment in Delhi has been chosen by many as a way to remove their acne scar and the results are totally positive.
  • Skin grafting can also be a choice if the budget is really high for treating the scar.

The influence of laser treatment in removing scar

Scars from pre-existing acne, make the skin look unattractive and getting rid of them is something which everyone is looking forward to in order to maintain their looks. The lasers are of a special kind that penetrates the dermis and reaches removes the underlying dead or damaged cells. Also, it ensures that the generation of new cells is triggered in which the surface is heated so that the cells are replaced quickly. Acne scar laser treatment in Delhi has become so effective in this segment and the scar is removed with assurance without even slightly affecting the healthy skin surrounding it.


  1. The sudden or rapid growth of the body causes stretching of the layers of skin beyond its elastic limit, this disrupt the collagen (skin firmness) and elastin fibers (skin tightening), and results in forming scars on the skin, called stretch marks. Stretch marks appear in the middle layer of the skin (dermis) that retains the shape of the skin. These can be formed during pregnancy or puberty. Stretch marks are lighter in appearance than normal skin color, and the color of these marks changes with increasing time. They can occur in areas that contain excess fat, such as breasts, thighs, upper arms, admen, and buttocks. The stretch marks scarring on the skin is also known as striae distensae. Visit website to book an appointment for stretch marks treatment in Delhi.
