Monday, November 4, 2019

Stretch marks removal treatment in Delhi

Millennials are more concerned about maintaining their looks. Stretch marks removal treatment is increasingly becoming popular among men and women. Several treatments claim to remove stretch marks. Stretchmarks treatment in Delhi is very helpful in preserving flawless skin. Selecting an appropriate laser treatment is often difficult. A wide range of skincare products is available to treat stretch marks. Laser treatment is an effective way to remove stretch marks but it is relatively expensive. 

Who require Stretch marks removal treatment

Stretch marks appear because of several reasons. Stretch marks on women are caused due to pregnancy. Another cause of stretch marks is due to rapid weight gain or loss. A lot of women have stretch marks, but men can also have stretch marks. Men have stretch marks lower back, abdominal area, upper arms, thighs, buttocks, etc. 

At first, the stretch marks are either reddish or purplish. But with time, the skin turns glossy and colour changes to white or silver. The middle layer of the skin called dermis is where stretch marks form. When dermis gets stretched beyond its limit it breaks and forms into stretch marks. Stretch marks are a type of skin scar. Apart from reasons like pregnancy and weight gain. Stretch marks can be caused due to lifestyle, nutrition, heredity, etc. 

Various stretch marks treatment

Stretch marks treatment in Delhi has many options. Often stretch marks fade away over time. Stretch marks that do not fade away with time can be treated by one of the available remedies. Doctors recommend applying topical creams and ointments. Some of these creams are composed of synthetic chemicals like hydroxyl. While some creams and ointments, use natural ingredients. Creams penetrate deep into the skin to moisturize, tighten and firm.

Laser scar removal is also effective for removing stretch marks. It is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require scarring or incisions. The treatment uses a controlled laser beam on the affected area. The laser beam breaks down scar tissues. Once the affected tissues dissolve new skin cells start to develop. Surgery is another method of removing stretch marks though it is comparatively expensive and takes longer to heal.

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